Rules and Downloads
Welcome to the Rules and downloads page, here you will find rule books for sale both as actual printed books you can touch and pdf downloads. There's also some free stuff you can download, enjoy.
Rebellion RulesRules for playing medieval warfare - Set in the 13th Century, the Scottish War of Independence.
108 full colour illustrated rule book, inlcuding army lists, hero and warrior profiles and battle scenarios. The book is available both hardback and paperback. The hardback is slightly more expensive due to printing costs, there is otherwise no difference in the content between the two versions. Printed on demand from - UK customers should expect to wait no more than 5 days. Hardback Price:£28.40 (20% discount applied)
Paperback Price:£22.50 (10% discount applied)
Electronic VersionRules for playing medieval warfare - Set in the 13th Century, the Scottish War of Independence.
108 full colour illustrated rule book, inlcuding army lists, hero and warrior profiles and battle scenarios. The book is emailed in electronic format as a PDF file. Ideal for viewing on ipad/ipod etc. click thumbnail to view preview (low resolution) pdf This product is emailed in electronic format (Adobe Acrobat)Acrobat Reader is required to open the file. PDF Price:£15.00

POW hut: Paper model, free download
German barracks: Paper model, free download
Kommandant's Office: Paper model, free download
Tower: Paper model, free download
Cooler: Paper model, free download
hospital: Paper model, free download
Tabletop rules for playing 'paintball',
draft copy only, unsupported, free download, enjoy.
draft copy only, unsupported, free download, enjoy.